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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Customer Engagement Index (CEI): The Assessment of Customers’ Willingness to Act as Companies’ Ambassadors

Abdul Kadir Othman, Mohd Khirzanbadzli A Rahman, Nur Najjah Abd Rahim

Open access

Many companies have measured customer satisfaction and established the customer satisfaction index to know how well they are doing to serve their customers. This is good practice, however, knowing customer satisfaction alone is not enough. Companies should go extra miles to assess the extent the satisfied customers are willing to do to assist the companies succeed in the competitive business world. Customers who are willing to help the companies are known as engaged customers. This paper is written based on the following objectives: to assess the predictors of customer engagement, to determine the outcome of customer engagement (repurchase intention, positive word-of-mouth, price sensitivity, responsiveness to promotions, tolerance for problems), and to provide suggestions for improvement. To achieve the stated objectives, focus group study and a questionnaire survey will be utilized. By identifying the predictors and outcome of customer engagement, it is expected that companies can develop the right strategies (focused strategies) that can be used to ensure the achievement of the intended outcome. In this way, unwitting investment can be avoided that will help companies to save a great amount of expenditure in the long run.

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In-Text Citation: (Othman et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Othman, A. K., Rahman, M. K. A., & Rahim, N. N. A. (2022). Customer Engagement Index (CEI): The Assessment of Customers’ Willingness to Act as Companies’ Ambassadors. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 11(3), 1626–1631.