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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Application of Multimedia Technology (MTA) in The Qiraat Course: A Study on Darul Quran Students, Jakim

Hayati Hussin, Abd Rahman Abd Ghani, Abdul Rahim Ahmad, Nur Zainatul Nadra Zainol, Muhammad Hafiz Saleh, Mardhiah Yahaya, Rohana Zakaria

Open access

In the 21st century, development of technology of Multimedia (MTA) in the education sector has the potential to produce knowledgeable, skilled and competitive students. MTA have diversity in teaching and learning methods are able to produce generation of al-Qurans who excel in various fields. The outbreak of pandemic Covid-19 virus seems to be forcing the world community, including Malaysia, towards the usage of digital technology more comprehensively which indirectly causes a digital surge in Malaysia. The method of teaching and learning (T&L) qiraat courses face-to-face is swich to online or virtual. Therefore, this study aims to explore students perspective on the usage of MTA in T&L for Qiraat program at Darul Quran (DQ) JAKIM. This study is a qualitative study using case study as reseach design. The study found that 65% of students agree on usage of MTA can help in T&L of the qiraat course to be easier, understandable and interesting during Covid-19. Meanwhile, 7 out of 20 students representing 35% said that T&L qiraat with MTA makes them not understand, bored and unfocused. 70% of students have a high level of knowledge related to usage of MTA in the qiraat course and 30% said they lack exposure usage MTA. This study explains that the main challenges faced by students in using MTAs are internet access constraints and lack of infrastructure. This statement is supported by the findings of the FGD with the students which are 19 out of 20 students representing 95% of the total number of students and only 5% said there were no restrictions in using MTAs. This study gives important implications to Darul Quran and Universities as well as Tahfiz institutions in Malaysia in general towards the formation of high quality Quranic generation in memorization of the Quran.

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In-Text Citation: (Hussin et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Hussin, H., Ghani, A. R. A., Ahmad, A. R., Zainol, N. Z. N., Saleh, M. H., Yahaya, M., & Zakaria, R. (2023). Application of Multimedia Technology (MTA) in The Qiraat Course: A Study on Darul Quran Students, Jakim. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(1), 1180–1190.