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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Psychological Effects of Workplace Incivility on University Teachers of Pakistan: A Qualitative Study

Saiqa Anwaar, Yusnita Binti Yusof, Farah Syazrah binti Mohd Ghazalli

Open access

This article presents a psychological the effects of workplace rudeness on workers' psychological and occupational wellbeing. It was discovered that mental health and job satisfaction somewhat moderated the effects of personal factors. This study looked at the positive and negative behavioural outcomes that university teachers in Pakistan experienced due to the psychological effects of workplace incivility. Data were collected from 10 teachers in a qualitative method by phenomenological approach in Pakistan's public and private higher education institutions. The findings revealed that participants experienced the psychological consequences of workplace incivility. Most teachers facing incivility demonstrated positive behavioural outcomes due to being collectivist and placing a high value on collaboration and the importance of social relationships. Marginalized teachers used resource investment strategies to improve in-role and extra-curricular performance that reflects their re-inclusion expectations and a lower chronic prevalence of incivility at work, reducing the likelihood of workplace incivility. Participants, however, indicated that they would withdraw, perform worse, and resign if they continued to experience exclusion in the future. The university administration can use the study's findings to create policies and welcoming and nondiscriminatory culture to reduce instances of workplace incivility.

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In-Text Citation: (Anwaar et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Anwaar, S., Yusof, Y. B., & Ghazalli, F. S. binti M. (2022). Psychological Effects of Workplace Incivility on University Teachers of Pakistan: A Qualitative Study. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 11(3), 989–1001.