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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Community-based Learning Project on Stock Trading: A Case of SULAM INV621- Applied Investment Management

Nurul Haida Johan, Rohanizan Md Lazan, Syamsyul Samsudin, Nik Nur Shafika Mustafa, Ahmad Syahmi Ahmad Fadzil

Open access

Community-based learning has been continuously introduced to teaching and learning pedagogies. This approach is effective in enlarging learning parameters, especially when integrated with the community. This study examines the descriptive responses from the community involved in the SULAM INV621 - Applied Investment Management course. A quantitative study was conducted on 28 participants who participated in a SULAM project known as “Komuniti Bijak Pelaburan”. The participants were then grouped into 14 groups, each facilitated by four bachelor's in investment management students. The students delivered five modules to the groups within three months. The data was collected between July 2022 to August 2022 after all groups finished their module in July 2022. The survey consists of 15 questions related to the evaluation on; the program, the facilitators and the program's effectiveness in the community. The response is analyzed using IBM SPSS 26® and interpreted descriptively. The findings of the descriptive analysis show that the participants were on a positive outlook regarding community-based learning projects, although they had had zero knowledge before. This research indirectly contributes to the study of community-based learning and can provide better insight into SULAM derived from High-Impact Educational Practices. Additionally, this study recommends that a prerequisite set of regulating frameworks should be enforced throughout the program to ensure check and balance and better compliance towards the program from the students and the communities.

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In-Text Citation: (Johan et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Johan, N. H., Lazan, R. M., Samsudin, S., Mustafa, N. N. S., & Fadzil, A. S. A. (2022). Community-based Learning Project on Stock Trading: A Case of SULAM INV621 - Applied Investment Management. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 11(3), 1186–1195.