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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Post-CABG Patients' Views of Education Needs in Jordan: Implications for Discharge Education Program

Mohannad J. Alkuwaisi, Zainab M. Shafie

Open access

Aims. To investigate, before to hospital discharge, the educational needs of Jordanian patients who have had coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Design: A quantitative, correlational design. Methods: Before leaving the Jordanian Hospital, 120 CABG patients had their data gathered using a modified version of the Cardiac Patients Learning Needs Inventory (CPLNI) instrument. Results: Prior to discharge, CABG patients were found to appreciate information on chest and leg wound care, medication information, other important information, and complications the most. Conclusion. According to this study, CABG patients have significant information needs in the 24-48 hours before being released from the hospital. Additionally, this study's findings revealed that the education needs of patients varied statistically significantly depending on their demographic factors.

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In-Text Citation: (Alkuwaisi & Shafie, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Alkuwaisi, M. J., & Shafie, Z. M. (2022). Post-CABG Patients’ Views of Education Needs in Jordan: Implications for Discharge Education Program. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 11(3), 919–927.