ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Conventional Teaching and Facilitation Process (PdPc) is seen as inadequate in preparing modern era students to face challenges, both in their personal or professional lives. Hence, this requires Malaysian education system to move along in a fast pace in developing integrated skilled experts from various fields through application and implementation of 21st century skills. So, this study discusses a set of 21st century skills and the challenges that exist in the integration of 21st Century Learning (PAK21) during PdPc. The results of previous studies reveal that a complete set of 21st century skills including the practices of the National Chamber of Commerce & National Industry and Partnership are, namely a) Personal Skills, b) Applied Skills, c) Workplace Skills, d) Social Skills, e) Key Competencies, f) Learning and Innovation Skills, g) Media Information and Technology Skills, and h) Life and Career Skills. Therefore, acknowledging the lack of skilled manpower and excellent student, who are capable in meeting the challenges of employment sector in the future, this finding is regarded as an effort to help implementation of 21st century learning towards the development of the latest education system in order to develop the standard quality of life subsequently.
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In-Text Citation: (Safri & Jamaludin, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Safri, U. S. A., & Jamaludin, K. A. (2022). PAK 21 Skills and The Challenges of its Integration During Teaching and Facilitation Session (PDPC). International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 11(4), 100–116.
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