ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
During this pandemic of Covid 19, learning face to face took a different turn. The higher institutions were obligated to resort to online learning. Academicians and undergraduates had to ‘jump on the bandwagon and be ready without thorough preparation. The main aim of this study was to find out the Malaysian and Indonesian undergraduate students’ (SLL) perceptions and behaviors related to self-access language learning. An online survey was conducted to collect the information from online and online distance learning students. A structural questionnaire link using survey monkey was sent to students through WhatsApp. The simple percentage distribution was used to assess the learning status of the study participants. From the study, results yielded that 70% of learners were involved in online and online distance learning actively. Most learners used smartphones during their online learning. Students face various problems related to depression anxiety, poor internet connectivity, and an unfavorable study environment at home. Students from remote areas and marginalized sections mainly face enormous challenges for study during this pandemic. This study suggests targeted interventions to create a positive space for study among students from the vulnerable section of society.
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In-Text Citation: (Mohamed et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Mohamed, R., Tazijan, F., Musa, M. K., & Sutapa, Y. G. (2022). Online Self Access Language Learning Among SLLs in Malaysia and Indonesia Amid Covid 19 Pandemic. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 11(3), 1308–1317.
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