ISSN: 2226-6348
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The rapid development of technology requires teachers to use technology efficiently to deal with the increased workload. The use of crowdsourcing is seen to help lighten a teacher's task. This study tests the relationship between intention to use (BI) and actual use or involvement (UB) for a crowdsourcing platform called By adopting the UTAUT model, the main objective of this study is to determine the relationship between performance expectations (PE), effort expectations (EE), and facilitating condition (FC) with behaviour intention (BI) of The study also investigates the relationship between BI and the actual use of the platform; use behaviour (UB). The study uses a survey method, with a questionnaire as an instrument. The descriptive analysis using IBM SPSS 25 software and the inferential analysis using SmartPLS 4 were employed to analyse 384 responses. The study's findings show that PE, EE, and FC influenced the intention to use, with an explanatory power of 72.3%. The BI, however, can only explain 4.0% of UB in Overall, there is a positive relationship between the constructs of acceptance and the use of In conclusion, the crowd intends to use or accept However, this intention has a minor influence on the crowd's actual use of
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In-Text Citation: (Khalid et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Khalid, K., Ismail, R., & Jizat, J. E. M. (2023). Teachers and Crowdsourcing Platform: Using UTAUT to Examine Behaviour Intention and Use Behaviour. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(1), 1784–1799.
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