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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Acceptance of UTAUT2 Model for Professional Training via Mobile among Enforcement Officers at Malaysia

Noor Husna Sharuddin, Irwan Mahazir Ismail, Mariam Mohamad

Open access

M - Learning is a new innovation in professional training for enforcement officers in Malaysia to achieve their key performance indicators in training attended. According to UTAUT2, there are seven components of acceptance that must be known in order to determine the level of acceptability among Enforcement Officers. This is a case study that includes a questionnaire with seven constructs and 35 questions was analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The construct for UTAUT2 model is (i) performance expectancy, (ii) effort expectancy, (iii) social influence, (iv) facilitating conditions, (v) hedonic motivation, (vi) price value, and (vii) habit are the independent construct while the behavioral intention is the dependent construct. In Malaysia, 30 respondents were chosen randomly selected from among Enforcement Officers. The reliability value of the questionnaire through the pilot study was 0.962 Cronbach’s Alpha. The results obtained from this study found that five of the seven constructs had a high level of acceptability. While two constructs based on the UTAUT2 element show a moderate level of acceptance. It is related to the fact that enforcement officers do not have experience with mobile learning before and must be enhanced to reflect the seven UTAUT2 constructs in this M-Learning. The findings show that by integrating the constructs of facilitating condition and price value, the level of acceptance of mobile training Enforcement Officers can be strengthened. Because enforcement officers are willing to go through M-Learning to improve their job performance. The implications of this study, to improved acceptance of these two UTAUT2 model constructs along with existing constructs must be enhanced in order to produce mobile materials to contributed for professional training as a new medium to follow professional training continuously for government employees.

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In-Text Citation: (Sharuddin et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Sharuddin, N. H., Ismail, I. M., & Mohamad, M. (2023). Acceptance of UTAUT2 Model for Professional Training via Mobile among Enforcement Officers at Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(1), 625–637.