ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Subject-Verb Agreement (SVA) is significant in English to construct error-free sentences. However, most of ESL learners find it difficult to learn, particularly simple present tense. The integration of mastery learning and gamification in a flipped ESL classroom has proven effective in constructing grammatical knowledge. Thus, this action research was done to overcome their problems in mastering SVA due to their mother tongue interference, resulting in their sense of inferiority and reluctance in learning English. This action research used pre-test and post-test, questionnaire and semi-structured interviews to measure their differences in scores and attitude towards learning English respectively. Five pupils who had problems in mastering SVA were chosen as research participants via convenience sampling. They were involved in using ‘SuPerMan GAMLET Kit’ that encompassed both in-class and at-home activities with self-composed song, digital storybooks and online games to consolidate their SVA mastery. The results depicted that they demonstrated improvement on their SVA competency after the intervention. Thus, it was evidenced that ‘SuPerMan GAMLET Kit’ successfully developed their SVA competence. The findings of questionnaire and semi-structured interviews also portrayed positive perceptions towards learning English amongst them. Further studies can explore the effects of ‘SuPerMan GAMLET Kit’ in acquiring other English grammatical items.
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In-Text Citation: (Chun & Sathappan, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Chun, T. W., & Sathappan, R. (2023). Using “SuPerMan GAMLET Kit” to Improve Malaysian Primary ESL Learners’ Mastery of Simple Present Tense. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(1), 389–399.
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