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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

The Use of Children' Songs for Pre-School Teaching and Learning

Vasanthan Gurusamy, Sangkari Chandra Sehgar, Suppiah Nachiappan, Wan Mohd Syaril Annuar B. Wan Mohd Harith, Seah Siok Peh, Mohd Nazir Md Zabit, Karthikeyan Balakrishnan, Sharmini Siva Vikaraman

Open access

This study aims to identify the problems faced by pre-school teachers in teaching the students using songs. Besides that, the appropriate ways to overcome problems that arise when teaching using songs is also analysed in this research. Qualitative approaches with the Hermeneutics method have been used in this study. A total of 12 respondents were involved in this study. Respondents were selected from among teachers who teach pre-school students in North Kinta Utara district, Perak. Sample selection is done as a purposive sample where the researcher determines the number of respondents who teach each subject before selecting the sample. The research instruments used to collect research data are interview forms that is produced by the researcher. The data collected were analyzed using the Hermeneutical method. The main problem faced by teachers is that teaching using songs consume longer time and lack of song varieties. In order to solve the problems, the respondents have also suggested a few ways such as using song with simple words, change the lyrics of songs according to the topic taught, finding for new songs and many others.