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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Online Student Engagement in Fundamentals of Entrepreneurial Acculturation during COVID-19 Outbreak

Kelvin Yong, Dyana Chang Mui Ling, Brahim Chekima, Rudy Ansar

Open access

The purpose of this study is to investigate student characteristic and the level of online student engagement in entrepreneurship course. The study received 467 valid survey questionnaires from undergraduate’s student that enrolled in entrepreneurship course. The respondent is student from science cluster background. The study uses a quantitative approach, and purposive sampling was used to choose the respondents. The online survey questionnaire was self-administered using online google form and the results are analyzed using SPSS version 24. The foundation underpinned theory for this study is self-determinant theory. The results show that emotional engagement score the highest mean compare to skill engagement and participation engagement. The aims are to explore the factors influencing the online student engagement such skills engagement, emotion engagement and engagement during Covid-19 pandemic period. During the outbreak has forced all universities to adopt e-learning. The online learning is a new trend that had been practice in education 4.0. However, student engagement remains as an issue in online learning because the setting in online learning is different from traditional classroom learning. In addition, online student engagement is still considered a relatively new concept and studies are scarcely available. The findings also indicated that student prefer to choose hybrid approach in the future. These studies are important because they aim to improve online student learning by enhancing students' overall satisfaction with the experience. Second, to design and develop an interactive course where students are actively participating and involved in their class. Third, by assessing online student engagement as a potential student pathway on academic progress based on skills engagement, emotional engagement, and participation engagement, this study adds to the body of knowledge in the existing literature. A conceptual framework between online student learning and student performance should be developed for future research.

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In-Text Citation: (Yong et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Yong, K., Ling, D. C. M., Chekima, B., & Ansar, R. (2022). Online Student Engagement in Fundamentals of Entrepreneurial Acculturation during COVID-19 Outbreak. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 11(4), 905–916.