ISSN: 2226-6348
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This research focuses on the narration of hadith and isr?'?liyyat in Imam Ab? ?ayy?n al-Andal?s?’ masterpiece exegesis book, al-Ba?r al-Mu???. As a multidisciplinary figure, Ab? ?ayy?n uses his expertise to elaborate on every verse of the Quran in the book, not to mention the Prophet Muhammad PBUH’s hadith narration and the isr?'?liyyat. Most hadiths cited in this book are from the authentic hadith book narrated by Imam al-Bukh?r? and Muslim, as well as the work of other hadith scholars. However, this book contains few unauthentic hadith until Ab? ?ayy?n is criticized for his lack of hadith expertise. The narration of isr?'?liyyat demonstrates Ab? ?ayy?n’s prudence, so much so that this book is recognized as a preserved exegesis book and only mentions a few narrations of isr?'?liyyat. However, it has been found that this book also narrates fabricated isr?'?liyyat.
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In-Text Citation: (Saad et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Saad, M. F. bin M., Ataa, N. S. binti M., Mohamad, S., & Ishak, H. (2023). Quranic Exegesis of Al-Bahr Al-Muhit: Narration of Hadith and Isra’i Liyyat. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(1), 678–685.
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