Open distance learning (ODL) is a new paradigm shift from conventional education systems that provide flexibility to learners in accessing education and training without constraints of time and place. Full Implementation of ODL initiated in all institutions of higher learning in Malaysia after announcement of movement control order by the prime minister of Malaysia in March 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to investigate the impact of ODL in the attainment of program outcome (PO5) in modern engineering tool usage for a civil engineering design project course. In the ODL environment, the teaching method, assessment method, tool of assessment and rubrics in the assessment of PO5 were revised accordingly. Online practical test was set as the only tool to evaluate students’ ability in using the modern engineering tool of this course. Prokon software was employed as the modern engineering tool used by the students in carrying out their individual projects as well as online practical tests. Result of this study has shown that the average attainment of PO5 dropped significantly when online teaching and learning of Prokon software took place. Also, the percentage of students failed in PO5 rose for the semesters during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is anticipated that the remote evaluation process could be unrealistic to measure the ability of students in the psychomotor domain. The challenges of online teaching and learning of modern engineering tools are discussed, and actions need to be taken to tackle the problems and improve the attainment of PO5 among students under an ODL environment.
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In-Text Citation: (Lee et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Lee, S. W., Bakar, A. A. A., Yusuf, A. I., Yahya, S. M. S., & Rashid, M. R. M. (2023). Open Distance Learning of Modern Engineering Tool and Its Assessment for Civil Engineering Design Project. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(1), 117–129.
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