This paper is presents the weight system for dynamic load with calibration for stingless bee. The calibration must be done first to get the minimum and maximum scale weight or resolution weight scale. In this study, weight sensor that have been chosen is load cell with maximum scale weight is 20 kilogram (kg). The calibration have been done by using formula y = mx + b where y is the raw value ADC from weight sensor, x is measured weight, b is the intersection but with no weight or value ADC after empty weight and m is multiplier or scale factor. From the calibration, the weight will be obtained. The equipment that have been used are Arduino UNO, load cell sensor, SD-Card Adapter.
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In-Text Citation: (Jani et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Jani, M. M. B. M., H., M. A., Ja’afar, H. B., & Rustam, I. (2023). Weight System Calibration of Dynamic Load for Stingless Bee Application. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(1), 255–263.
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