ISSN: 2226-6348
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This paper examines mathematics learning strategy to solve mathematics problem. Whenever engineering students are given difficult or non-routine mathematics problems, their lack of confidence or insufficient proper learning strategy are some of the factors causing them to give up easily on solving the problems. The objectives of this paper are to develop an innovative mathematics learning strategy named as FUYOH-MATH via mnemonic technique and to adopt the learning strategy in mathematics learning through examples. FUYOH-MATH was created by combining “MATHEMATICS” and a Malaysian localized slang “FUYOH” that is well-known by most people including youth in Malaysia. The FUYOH-MATH strategy is formed by mnemonic technique by taking the first letters of the four elements namely (1) F: Fundamental formula learning, (2) U: Understand formula, (3) M: Memorize formula, (4) A: Apply formula. The strategy is illustrated by two examples including learning a simple elementary Algebra topic and solving a complex Ordinary Differential Equation. The learning strategy and the examples presented in this paper could serve as a reference for other mathematics learners and educators in enhancing classroom mathematical learning. The development of this learning strategy contributes to the mathematics learning pedagogy in empowering student’s mathematics learning skill.
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In-Text Citation: (Ng et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Ng, S. F., Tukiman, N., & Mohamad, W. M. W. (2023). A FUYOH-MATH Strategy via Mnemonic Technique for Engineering Mathematics Learning. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(1), 276–289.
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