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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

The Development of a Patterned Topical Teaching and Learning Module (ToPo) and its Effect on form 4 Students' Achievement on the Topic of the Probability of the Combined Event

Pahwazull Khair Bin Shafie, Wun Thiam Yew, Chin Huan

Open access

Research on the drilling process has proven that more and more Training in mathematics subjects in particular and Education in general will yield good results. But we must realize that drills must also be patterned so that all skills and lessons can be mastered. As a result, the purpose of this study was to develop and test the approach of using a patterned topical module (ToPo) as an alternative method to master the title of Probability of Combined Events in Mathematics form 4, KSSM as much as possible. The first phase involves the development phase of the ToPo module based on the ADDIE model. While the second phase used a quasi-experimental design of a pre-post test of an unequal control group of 60 Form 4 students in a class in a school in Larut, Matang, and Selama. Districts selected by cluster sampling technique. Data were collected using 1 instrument, namely the student achievement test on the topic of Combined Event Probability. Data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially through an independent sample t-Test (ANCOVA test will be used if there is a significant mean difference in the pre-test. In addition, mean and standard deviation as well as thematic qualitative analysis are also used for perception analysis. The analysis compared with a control group. Study. This successfully developed a ToPo module with high index validity and reliability. The results of the student’s achievement test on the subject of the probability of combined events for the treatment group were the pre-achievement test mean of 2.8, the post-test mean of 48.43, and the retention test mean of 51.5. This result is very positive and significant that the use of the module (ToPo) increases student achievement. This is proved if you look at the results for the control group only recording the mean for pre is 4.53, post 23.7, and retention 24.4.