ISSN: 2226-6348
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Inculcation historical thinking skills is influenced by the competence of history teachers using digital history resources. However, the inculcate of historical thinking skills in teaching history was found to be at a moderate level among history teachers. History teachers only use teacher-centered teaching strategies in teaching history. Therefore, history teachers need to increase their competence in the use of digital history resources. This study aims to determine the relationship between teacher competence in the use of digital history resources and the inculcation of historical thinking skills. The design of this study is a correlational survey study. The study respondents were 92 history teachers from primary schools. Study respondents were selected through a simple random purposive sampling technique. This study uses a questionnaire as a research instrument. The questionnaire was modified based on the objectives of the study and confirmed by history experts. The reliability value of this instrument is good. The results of this study shows that the competence of using digital history resources has a significant positive relationship with the inculcation of historical thinking skills among history teachers. Knowledge competence (r=0.75) in the use of digital history resources has a very high linear relationship significantly to the inculcation of historical thinking skills. Meanwhile, attitude competence (r=0.63) and skills competence (r=0.62) in the use of digital history resources have a positive linear relationship to the inculcation of historical thinking skills. However, the knowledge competence of using digital history resources contributes the most to the inculcation of historical thinking skills. Thus, the Malaysian Ministry of Education should run a course on digitization of education to improve the competence of history teachers to use digital historical resources. In conclusion, history teachers can achieve learning objectives through teaching methods that integrate historical thinking skills and digital history resources.
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In-Text Citation: (Vijayakumar & Ahmad, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Vijayakumar, S., & Ahmad, A. (2023). The Relationship between History Teacher’s Competence in Using Digital History Resources and the Inculcation of Historical Thinking Skills. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(1), 1119–1129.
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