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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

The Relationship of Affective Factors in Mathematics Learning Amid Pandemic Covid-19

Rabieha Maya Adiera Ab Rahim, Nurul Aisyah Kamrozzaman, Nuzha Mohamed Taha, Khairun Nazrah Wahidin

Open access

Although mathematics is commonly viewed as cognitive discipline, the affective factors in mathematics learning should not be neglected especially when it comes to learning amid pandemic Covid-19. Undoubtedly this pandemic emergency has caused many uncertainties in students and has affected their mathematics achievement. Thus, this quantitative correlational study aims to investigate the relationship between the affective factors such as mathematics anxiety, attitudes towards mathematics and mathematics self-efficacy towards mathematics achievement among secondary school students amid pandemic Covid-19. To examine the relationship between the variables, survey questionnaires were constructed to collect data through snowball sampling. The questionnaires were distributed to closest acquaintances and shared via link at messaging applications to students from few different schools who currently attending their secondary level within Puchong area. A total of 81 respondents from the questionnaires. The items used to measure the variables chosen are within a high internal consistency range (???? ? 0.9), such as mathematics anxiety (0.921), attitude towards mathematics (0.915) and mathematics self-efficacy (0.932). Mathematics achievements were measured through self-reported grade by the students. The data obtained is then analysed through Pearson correlation analysis through the Statistical Package of Social Science, SPSS. Result revealed that there were moderate positive relationships between all three affective factors chosen with mathematics achievement (???? = 0.4 < ???? ? 0.59, ???? < 0.01) such as mathematics anxiety (0.524), attitudes towards mathematics (0.426), mathematics self-efficacy (0.502). These results suggest that high in the affective factors result in high mathematics achievement and vice versa.

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In-Text Citation: (Rahim et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Rahim, R. M. A. A., Kamrozzaman, N. A., Taha, N. M., & Wahidin, K. N. (2023). The Relationship of Affective Factors in Mathematics Learning Amid Pandemic Covid-19. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(1), 1211–1228.