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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Labuan ESL Teachers’ Perception on the Factors Affecting Technology-Based Self-Regulated Learning in the Teaching and Learning of English

Deafey Majitol, Melor Md Yunus

Open access

Recent revelation on students’ performance in their English language subject during the COVID-19 pandemic were affected mainly by three factors: accessibility, competency and motivation. Additionally, the direct inclusion of technology in education and the limited facilitation from the teachers’ ends have made the Technology-Based Self-Regulated Learning (TBSRL) a profound teaching and learning (T&L) method during the pandemic. However, there was no profound understanding of the three identified factors affecting T&L processes of English during the pandemic through the TBSRL context. This survey which utilised an online questionnaire as its research instrument aims to unveil a detailed confirmation of the three mentioned factors affecting T&L processes in the context of TBSRL. Data was collected through the sharing of the online questionnaire link in a designated Telegram group. Retrieved data was then analysed through a built-in software of the electronic questionnaire where both percentages and modal scores were analysed. Findings from 61 respondents (N=61) revealed that the three stated factors brought about significant details such as the absence of fundamental electronic facilities and online resources; educational clients which are technology-literates; improvement and practise of ICT-skills in the T&L processes of English among respondents; and an expression of a high level of willingness to implement TBSRL in respondents’ T&L practises of English. Nevertheless, future research would include better pedagogical knowledge on TBSRL and its refined efficacy in the T&L processes of a post-pandemic form of education.