The use of teaching aids plays an important role in the teaching and learning process, especially in preschool education. With recent technological advances, it is interesting to note the evolution in the use of teaching aids by preschool teachers for preschoolers, particularly flashcards. Hence, this research aims to explore the flashcards nature used by the preschool teachers in their teaching and learning of preschoolers. The qualitative research approach was used in this research by implementing the exploratory case study. It helped to explore the in-depth nature of the use of flashcards as teaching aids in the context of teaching and learning of preschoolers practiced by three preschool teachers from three different sectors, which are government preschool, private preschool, and children development centre. Data were obtained by the applications of triangulation technique through a combination method of interview, observation, and document analysis. The findings illustrate the flashcards nature by the perspective of characteristics from three main aspects: designs, functionality, and costs. It is suggested that flashcards are flexible in nature. In addition, the results also showed that preschool teachers still prefer printed paper-based flashcards to digital flashcards.
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In-Text Citation: (Selamat & Bakar, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Selamat, S., & Bakar, K. A. (2023). An Exploration of Flashcards Nature Used in the Teaching and Learning of Preschoolers by Preschool Teachers. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(1), 1334–1348.
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