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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Learner-Centred Instructional Approach in Supporting Performances in Open Distance Learning

Azlan Abdul Aziz, Ahmad Kamalrulzaman Othman, Yusnita Sokman, Mohd Hafizan Musa, Nurhafizah Azizan

Open access

Digital learning materials, especially multimedia instructional materials or courseware are prevalent in the fabric of higher education today. While various names such as educational resources, instructional resources, instructional materials, learning materials, learning resources etc. have been used to manifest the concept of learning contents, the definitive goal is to support in catering education especially for distant learners. The use of instructional multimedia is acknowledged to help overcome some of the challenges in the Open Distance Learning (ODL) curriculum delivery since adult learners typically study in isolation with reduced opportunities for direct instructions. They are supposed to pursue their study self-guided with the aid of instructional materials. The use of instructional multimedia can help to create an interactive and engaging learning experience as highlighted by several research papers on the successful distance learning materials where the success has been measured with respect to learners’ satisfaction and perceived learning effectiveness in supporting the learners’ achievement in assessments. A quality instructional material is believed to be well supported and founded by suitable learning theory in its design as it is considered as a key factor to determine its success. Therefore, this paper described the effects of such design and development of a multimedia instructional material to motivate adult learners to learn about the basics of Multimedia. The implementation of Gagne’s nine events of instruction is hoped to provide a better design framework for the development of instructional materials to meet the needs of adult learners in distance education. As with any other research, further study should be done on relatively larger random samples of respondents to focus on the evaluation of this design framework to gain additional credibility.

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In-Text Citation: (Aziz et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Aziz, A. A., Othman, A. K., Sokman, Y., Musa, M. H., & Azizan, N. (2023). Learner-Centred Instructional Approach in Supporting Performances in Open Distance Learning. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(1), 1663–1673.