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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

A Future Entrepreneur in The Making: A Conceptual Model of Students’ Entrepreneurship Intentions

Farrah Nadia Baharuddin, Aini Hayati Musa, Purnomo M Antara, Sarah Mardhiah Selamat, Asma’ Rashidah Idris, Nur Fadhlina Zainal Abedin

Open access

A model of students’ entrepreneurial intention on the basis of the stimulus-organism-response (S-O-R) framework is presented in this paper. It emphasizes that entrepreneurial education acts as an environmental stimulus that influences the cognitive, motivation and emotional responses of the organism, i.e., entrepreneurial passion and entrepreneurial desirability, and that it triggers a response in students that is related to entrepreneurial intention. Accordingly, entrepreneurship education has been proven as one of the crucial elements for increasing the number of individuals who want or intend to start his or her own business. Meanwhile, entrepreneurial desirability is developed through entrepreneurship education, which affects a person's desire to pursue a profession that corresponds to his or her learning experiences. In addition, students with entrepreneurial passion will experience tremendous emotions, use their minds, and act immediately to achieve their goals. Therefore, this relationship is mediated by entrepreneurial passion and entrepreneurial desirability, and the conceptual model described in this paper seeks to inform future empirical research.