Students consider Arabic vocabulary challenging to understand, as with Ciomas Islamic Middle School pupils. Students need help understanding Arabic vocabulary because the educational method needs to be more appropriate for learning. This research aims to 1) know how vocabulary is taught in the seventh grade. 2) to know the puzzle, a teaching aid is developed in vocabulary based on Quantum Learning. 3) to know the effectiveness of developing the puzzle educational tool in teaching vocabulary based on Quantum Learning. 4) to know the advantages and disadvantages of developing the educational puzzle based on Quantum Learning teaching vocabulary. The method used for research and development with puzzle educational tools uses Borg and Gall’s development theory in seven steps. The results of expert evaluation of the medium, where experts assess the educational medium in terms of material quality and material with a value of a factor of 1, which, if described, has very high validity. The average value of the pre-test is 61%, and the average value of the post-test is 81.4%, with the significance value of the data being 0.00.
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In-Text Citation: (Uyuni & Farida, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Uyuni, Y. R., & Farida, I. (2023). Development of Puzzle Learning Media in Vocabulary Teaching Based on Quantum Learning. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(1), 1821–1828.
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