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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Career Guidance For Students: Awareness Towards Course Selection and Career Planning among Secondary Students

Sofia Elias, Dayang Rusimah @ Raynie Hj. Mohd Din, Mohd Sofi Ali, Mohd Al Mahdi Hussain, Mohd Sofi Ali, Mohd Al Mahdi Hussain

Open access

This study was conducted to identify the problems experienced by students in making career choices and to determine students' awareness of the career and the students' level of understanding of the importance of career guidance especially to for 4 and 5 students in Labuan. This study was conducted in ten (10) secondary schools in the Federal Territory of Labuan. The study population is specific to Form 4 and 5 students only. A total of 200 students were involved in this study. Based on the findings of a study found the level of awareness and understanding of form 4 and form 5 students in Labuan about the function and role of counselling guidance in selecting appropriate majors that are relevant to the interests and abilities of the students is at a high level. Students realize that choosing a career that suits their interests and abilities is important to ensure the quality and credibility of individuals in the chosen career and recognized the importance of obtaining career information, an adequate career information can assist them in planning a career of interest and suit the personality and demands of the job market. The purpose is to achieve the desired career path by helping to make career exploration, career planning and subsequently career decision making. The results of interviews with principles found a variety of program initiatives or activities were carried out by the school while the students were in form 3 as guidance and early exposure to the secondary school students about career field and option. The implications of this study are expected to provide early exposure to secondary school students in career choice by knowing the advantages and challenges working in a particular career field not only for Labuan but for all schools in Malaysia.

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(Elias et al., 2024)
Elias, S., Din, D. R. @ R. H. M., Ali, M. S., Hussain, M. A. M., Ali, M. S., & Hussain, M. A. M. (2024). Career Guidance For Students: Awareness Towards Course Selection and Career Planning among Secondary Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(3), 1633–1641.