ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
The advent of the pandemic and the ensuing move to remote learning however, did not stop educational providers from offering experiential educational experiences but its effectiveness is yet to be determined. This study aimed to survey children’s attainment of early numeracy skills and sought to understand challenges faced by teachers in conducting hands-on lessons during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this explanatory mixed method research study, 70 five years old children and four teachers from four private preschools who have been using hands-on approach in teaching and learning were selected. Data was collected using one-to-one assessment for the children followed by semi-structured interviews with the teachers. Descriptive analyses, One-way ANOVA and summative content analysis were utilized to analyse and present the findings. The results show that the children's numeracy skills were high in number knowledge and quantity knowledge followed by number comparison, sequencing, and number combination. No significant differences in numeracy skills attainment among the preschools were found. From the interviews, the teachers highlighted the need to overcome three main challenges for effective mathematics teaching during the pandemic, i) student's attention, ii) internet connection and iii) teacher's creativity. Despite lessons being delivered online, the hands-on approach is still applicable during these trying times and teachers have been able to modify and adapt its use to maintain effective mathematical instruction for the young learners indirectly providing specific recommendations for supporting learning during the COVID-19 and post COVID-19 eras.
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