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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Preferred Language Learning Strategies Employed by Rural Secondary School Students in Learning English

Jopinna Anak William, Rozie Kasim, Mageswary Sivajanam, Nur Amelia binti Mohd Nadzrin, Thenmoli Tamil Veeran, Harwati Hashim

Open access

English language is a global language, yet it is regarded as one of the most difficult languages. Mastering the English language has been challenging among English as second language (ESL) students despite the fact they frequently employ various language learning strategies (LLS). This study aims to investigate the most preferred choice of language learning strategies among 30 Form 5 rural secondary school students through a survey and semi-structured interview. The quantitative survey was adapted from Strategy Inventory of Language Learning (SILL) by (Oxford, 1990). The data of the survey were analysed using descriptive statistics. The findings were presented and elaborated interpretively in this study. The obtained findings showed that memory strategy was the most preferred learning strategy among students due to proficiency level in English. The students' learning styles were also closely linked to their choice of learning strategies and eventually it showed a positive impact towards their English performance. This study hopes to give an insight on how these learning strategies influence students' achievement in their English language skills.

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In-Text Citation: (William et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: William, J. A., Kasim, R., Sivajanam, M., Nadzrin, N. A. binti M., Veeran, T. T., & Hashim, H. (2023). Preferred Language Learning Strategies Employed by Rural Secondary School Students in Learning English. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(2), 1908–1930.