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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Currently, the digitization of education is nothing new. The idea of digitization of education is accepted at almost all levels of learning, from kindergarten to higher education institutions. This idea is the transformation of the education system in Malaysia, which aims to create a line of educators and students who are creative, innovative, efficient, and enthusiastic in line with the needs of the times and also in line with the wishes of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. The digitization of education is critical to the Malaysian Ministry of Education, educators, and the community in order to keep pace with current technological developments. However, several gaps in the digitization of education have been identified related to knowledge, physical, economic, and social factors. Therefore, the Malaysian government through the Malaysian Ministry of Education, Government-Linked Companies (GLCs), and Government-Linked Investment Companies (GLICs) have collaborated to bridge the gap through several initiatives involving the Malaysian Family Digital Economy Centre (PEDi), National Digital Linkage Plan (JENDELA), CERDIK, BSN MyRinggit-I COMSIS Scheme funding, and Student Devices. Therefore, it can be concluded that although there are still issues with its implementation, educational pedagogy has become better with the digitization of education. Teachers and students who are digitally fluent and able to compete according to current needs are born in line with the development of Industrial Revolution 4.0. financing of BSN MyRinggit-I COMSIS Scheme and PerantiSiwa. Therefore, it can be concluded that although there are still issues with its implementation, educational pedagogy has become better with the digitization of education. Teachers and students who are digitally fluent and able to compete according to current needs are born in line with the development of Industrial Revolution 4.0. financing of BSN MyRinggit-I COMSIS Scheme and PerantiSiwa. Therefore, it can be concluded that although there are still issues with its implementation, educational pedagogy has become better with the digitization of education. Teachers and students who are digitally fluent and able to compete according to current needs are born in line with the development of Industrial Revolution 4.0.

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(Nordin & Alias, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Nordin, A. S. M., & Alias, B. S. (2023). Digitalization of Education. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(2), 2474–2482.