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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Pre-School Qur’an Memorization Digital Application Requirements

Safinah Ismail, Nor Musliza Mustafa, Syarul Azman Shaharuddin, Mardhiah Yahaya, Khairul Syafiq Razali, Ummu Umairah Sapiuddin

Open access

Digital applications have a significant impact on advancing rote learning. This study aims to examine the need for digital applications in preschool Qur'an memorization learning. This qualitative study uses a phenomenological design. Data collection was conducted through in-depth interviews with teachers who teach the subject of Qur'an memorization in selected pre-schools through purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The study's findings show the need for digital applications in the memorization of the Qur'an for children in preschool because the students can more easily remember the memorized verses, conduct self-learning, and increase motivation, understanding, and achievement of students. In addition, students are more flexible in learning. Therefore, this era of technology has become an important necessity for students to learn the Qur'an, especially in preschool Qur’an memorization. It is hoped that the memorization of the Qur'an can be competitive in line with the learning goals of the 21st century.

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(Ismail et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Ismail, S., Mustafa, N. M., Shaharuddin, S. A., Yahaya, M., Razali, K. S., & Sapiuddin, U. U. (2023). Pre-School Qur’an Memorization Digital Application Requirements. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(2), 2579–2589.