ISSN: 2226-6348
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The autism spectrum is a lifelong disability. Despite the condition, young adults with autism spectrum disorder are those with good intellectual ability who are enrolled in university. However, the transition to work remains challenging for many of them. They face various issues, from the aspect of preparation to their career, as well as the challenges of being on the job. However, support for the transition to work at the university is sparse, and still less attention is given to it. One perspective that we sought to put forward in this paper is the importance of improving career self-efficacy among students on the autism spectrum in universities. Career self-efficacy is defined as an individual's confidence in managing and performing cognitive, behavioural, and social skills to accomplish the desired career goal. Career self-efficacy is seen as a critical component in easing their transition to work. By paying attention to improving individual career self-efficacy, it is seen as being able to improve the job landscape among students. It is further reinforced that sources of career self-efficacy are also important components of improving career self-efficacy. This conceptual paper also discusses the employment issues faced, how Malaysia can move forward, and how career self-efficacy is seen as an important component in preparing autistic students for the job market.
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In-Text Citation: (Zainal, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Zainal, M. S. (2023). A Conceptual Paper: Career Self-Efficacy as The Role of Career Transition Programme for Students on the Autism Spectrum in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(3), 1–12.
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