ISSN: 2226-6348
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This study explored teachers' attitudes towards the use of flashcards as a teaching aid for preschoolers' learning. Employing a qualitative research approach, an exploratory case study was conducted to thoroughly examine the attitudes of teachers. The study primarily focused on three preschool teachers from different settings: public preschool, private preschool, and a children enrichment center. Data were collected using a triangulation technique, which involved interviews, observations, and document analysis. The findings revealed three main themes: the definitions of flashcards, perceptions about their use in pre-schoolers' learning, and the practical challenges associated with their implementation. Each teacher provided a detailed contribution that reflected their understanding, knowledge, and experience of using flashcards. The results of the study suggest that preschool teachers hold positive attitudes towards the use of flashcards as a teaching aid for preschoolers' learning. This research underscores preschool teachers' positive attitudes towards using flashcards in early childhood education. The findings highlight the potential of flashcards as effective teaching aids to enhance pre-schoolers' learning experiences. These insights carry implications for educators, curriculum developers, and policymakers, emphasizing the importance of incorporating flashcards into teaching practices. By leveraging the benefits of flashcards, preschool teachers can improve instructional strategies, creating engaging learning environments that foster the holistic development of young children.
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In-Text Citation: (Selamat & Bakar, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Selamat, S., & Bakar, K. A. (2023). Teachers’ Attitudes towards the Use of Flashcards as a Teaching Aid in the Teaching and Learning of Pre-schoolers. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(3), 41–53.
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