ISSN: 2226-6348
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Preschool education in Malaysia is carried out in accordance with the National Curriculum Standard for Preschool. The National Curriculum Standard for Preschool comprises three main components namely, pillars, content standards and performance standards. Preschool teachers are required to master all the components to ensure that the teaching and learning process is carried out in accordance with the curriculum. Besides, preschool teachers also need to positively perceive the National Curriculum Standard for Preschool. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the perception of preschool teachers on the National Curriculum Standard for Preschool in terms of understanding, assessment, knowledge, and support. This study employed a survey research design with a quantitative approach. An adapted questionnaire has been used for data collection. Random sampling techniques have been used in the sample selection process and a total of 30 respondents were involved. Data obtained from responses were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science and interpreted by value of mean, percentages and standard deviation. The result found that the respondent has a high level of knowledge and understanding, and a moderate level of practice on assessment and support received. This study is expected to assist relevant parties such as the Ministry of Education, State Education Department and District Education Office to plan programs or courses to enhance preschool teachers’ understanding of the National Standard of Preschool Curriculum. Apart from that, future studies can also take into account the development of questionnaire questions and the involvement of all preschool teachers in Malaysia.
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In-Text Citation: (Salim & Mohamed, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Salim, H., & Mohamed, S. (2023). Preschool Teachers’ Perception of the National Curriculum Standard for Preschool. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(3), 266–277.
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