ISSN: 2226-6348
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The purpose of this research is to identify the leadership style that football players are interested in based on the league level for the PDRM Football Club team. The Leadership Scale Of Sport (LSS) questionnaire was used involving soccer players for the PDRM FC team. The analysis shows that for the level of the President's Cup and the Premier League the leadership style of interest is in the dimensions of Training and Instruction. While players are also fond of positive feedback leadership style. The third leadership style favored by the president's cup players is the social support leadership style. Besides that, the second least liked leadership style is democratic while the least liked leadership style is autocratic. T test analysis shows that there is a significant difference between the dimension of Leadership style Training and Instruction t (43) = -731, p < .05 and Autocratic leadership style t (43) = .655, p < .05. Looking at the picture, the mean value shows that the League Level (President) prefers Instruction and Training leadership style (M=4.50, SD=.093) when compared to the League Level (Prime Minister) favors Autocratic leadership style with a mean value (M=2.69, SD=.234). The results of the T test analysis show that there is no significant difference between the President's Cup League and the Premier League for the five dimensions of leadership style Training and Instruction t (43) = -.731, p > .05; Autocratic t (43) = 1.055 , p > .05; Democratic t (43) = .655, p > .05 ; Social Support t (43) = -.117, p > .05; Positive feedback t (43) = -.522, p > .05. Based on the findings of this study, coaches in training the PDRM FC football team need to understand the needs and wants of the players based on the differences in the individual needs of the players while guiding and training the players to ensure that they can produce optimal performance.
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In-Text Citation: (Vivekandanthan et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Vivekandanthan, K., Pa, W. A. M. W., & Muhamad, T. A. (2023). A Survey of The Leadership Style of Football Coach: PDRM Football Club. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(3), 518–527.
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