ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Introducing new teaching methods, techniques or strategies into the classroom on purpose is the process of innovative teaching. These innovative teaching techniques are being applied to improve academic standards, deal with current challenges, and promote equal learning. This study goal is to provide a summary of the current developments in an innovative teaching method for the use of cutting-edge instructional strategies and to investigate how teachers and students are interpreting these developments. In order to do so, 30 articles in total were obtained utilising methodical searching techniques and met the minimum quality standard for the period of last five years. There are two databases namely Scopus and Web of Science (WoS) and other journal databases used in the screening of past research articles. The seven primary Systematic Literature Review (SLR) topics that were covered are the creation and validation of the review protocol, publication standard, reporting standard, guidelines, formulation of research questions, systematic search strategies, quality assessment, data extraction, data synthesis, and data demonstration. The Scopus database contributed the most articles to this study. Two scopes of study has been analyzed which is the types of innovative teaching methods and student’s achievements using innovative teaching methods compared to conventional approach. A suggestion for further study that can be made is to introduce more innovative teaching methods through a holistic medium.
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(Razali & Nasri, 2023)
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