ISSN: 2226-6348
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School leaders are the main influencing factor for Professional Learning Communities (PLC) practices among school teachers. The Professional Learning Community (PLC) in schools is one of the initiatives to improve the quality of teachers as facilitators and educators and can directly improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning (PdP) and students' achievement. Thus, this study examines the professional learning community (PLC) practices among teachers and how transformational leadership can be cultivated at the school level. School administrators should be more creative and intelligent in improving and maintaining PLC practices through transformational leadership practices. This study has several implications for the education system, specifically in providing inputs on how to increase the competence of leaders and teachers through PLC to stakeholders like the Malaysian Ministry of Education (MOE), the State Education Department (JPN), the District Education Office (PPD), and school administrators. Furthermore, it can help ensure that the culture of PLC in schools is properly implemented. In conclusion, transformational leadership can influence PLC practices among teachers in schools.
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In-Text Citation: (Osman & Alias, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Osman, E. H., & Alias, B. S. (2023). The Influence of Transformational Leadership on Enhancing of Teacher’s Professional Learning Community: A Conceptual Paper. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(3), 538–545.
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