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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Reliability and Validity of the Chinese Version of the Scale for Assessing the Teachers' Innovative Behavior

Mo Dongxiao, Suhaida Abdul Kadir, Enio Kang Mohd Sufian Kang, Roshafiza Hassan

Open access

Comprehending teachers' innovative behaviors is essential to foster them, yet China lacks a specialized tool for this assessment. This study aimed to evaluate the applicability, reliability, and validity of an international teacher innovation scale within the Chinese educational milieu. The research involved 642 junior high teachers in Guangxi, China, with a subset of 125 participating in a retest after three weeks. Techniques like item, factor, correlation, and reliability analyses were employed. Results indicated that the scale's various validity forms (structural, convergent, discriminant, correlational, calibration) and reliability measures (internal consistency, split-half, retest) met or surpassed threshold criteria. Consequently, the adapted Chinese Teachers' Innovative Behavior Scale demonstrates robust validity and reliability, offering a credible tool for assessing Chinese teachers' innovative behavior. In subsequent research, this scale can be employed to assess teachers' innovative behaviors in China.

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(Dongxiao et al., 2024)
Dongxiao, M., Kadir, S. A., Kang, E. K. M. S., & Hassan, R. (2024). Reliability and Validity of the Chinese Version of the Scale for Assessing the Teachers’ Innovative Behavior. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(1), 746–759.