ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
The use of collocations is considered a highly effective means of learning new vocabulary, as it has been demonstrated to substantially enhance students' proficiency and fluency in the target language. This study aims to investigate the impact of collocations on learning Arabic language vocabulary among the learners of Arabic as a foreign language in the Department of Arabic Language at Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, Katsina, Nigeria. A quasi-experimental design was employed, with a pre-test and post-test approach, using an intact class of 70 undergraduate students, which was divided into experimental (n=35) and control (n=35). A collocation test was used for data collection. After the data analysis, the study found that the p-value level of significance between the two groups was less than .05 (p=.000, df=68, t=4.673). This suggests that there was a significant difference between learning Arabic vocabulary through collocations in the experimental group and the Grammar and vocabulary method in the control group. Consequently, to effectively teach Arabic vocabulary, it is crucial for teachers of Arabic as a foreign language to prioritize collocations in their lesson content. Moreover, the study provides theoretical and pedagogical implications and recommendations for future research.
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