ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Cat grooming is an essential aspect of pet care that requires special skills and knowledge. Many cat owners are lack of the information in cat grooming or do not know how to properly groom their cats, which is one of the major problems. The focus of this study is to establish the potential of a constructive game-based learning application of cat grooming through the digital platform by applying gamification elements. This innovative platform combines the captivating elements of gaming with comprehensive educational content to provide a unique and engaging learning experience for cat owners, groomers, and enthusiasts. The primary methodology adopted is the Game Development Life Cycle (GDLC) which provides a structured and iterative framework, ensuring the development of engaging and effective cat grooming game-based learning. The study’s findings reveal the successful integration of usability principles into this application. User-centric design considerations, ease of navigation and immersive gameplay experiences have optimized to enhance user engagement and learning outcomes. Users have provided positive feedback, highlighting the application’s user-friendly interface and ability to efficiently meet their learning goals. As for future works, by merging the engaging elements of gaming with educational objectives with 3D environment experiences, this innovative approach not only addresses the immediate demands of cat owners, but also opens up possibilities for reforming the larger field of pet care education.
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