ISSN: 2226-6348
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In line with the expanding need of open distance learning (ODL) due to the COVID-19 pandemic, translanguaging has been perceived as a teaching aid that could resolve the deficiencies of online learning. Hence, through the theory of culture, this case study is conducted to investigate the effectiveness of using translanguaging in ODL classrooms. Data were collected by using a survey instrument that mixed qualitative (interview) and quantitative questions (questionnaire), and both forms of data were integrated and analysed. A total of 200 students and 10 lecturers were used as the participants for this study. This research aims to spread awareness on the advantage of using translanguaging strategy as a pedagogical tool in the teaching and learning process. The findings of this research showed that both lecturers and students of the Centre of Foundation Studies supported the usage of translanguaging as a pedagogical tool in ODL classroom as translanguaging will help them to embrace their identity as bilingual learners, enhance their understanding and help the lecturers to strategise better in the ODL classrooms learning process. Moreover, implications from this study are hoped to shed light on the education policy in Malaysia on the benefits of translanguaging strategy in ODL classrooms.
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