ISSN: 2226-6348
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This paper determines the attitude of relevant stakeholders toward the development of the People Housing Programme (PHP) in Sri Aman, Kuala Lumpur, by utilizing the Social Exchange Theory (SET) as the theoretical bedrock. Relevant stakeholders from the planning, construction, and maintenance phases were identified and verified with the National Housing Department (NHD) Ministry of Local Government Development. Data was collected in three months, from June 2022 until August 2022, using an online questionnaire survey. To examine the relationship between the variables, the Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) method was used. This study revealed that stakeholders believe PHP will stimulate many cultural events and activities in the area resulting in more cultural exchange between the residents and the locals. From the economic perspective, stakeholders believed that the PHP creates more jobs in the area, leads to more business opportunities, and improves the financial status of the residents. Furthermore, they think that PHP development does not have significant adverse environmental impacts, thus not affecting the stakeholder support towards the project. Nevertheless, the finding shows that PHP has a negative social impact. This result indicates that despite the perceived benefits of PHP development, stakeholders viewed PHP as a development that leads to social issues such as an increase in the number of theft cases in the area, an increase in vandalism, and a heightened risk of substance abuse in the community. This study’s information will help policymakers understand the primary stakeholders’ views and attitudes in ensuring the projects’ future directions and constant support.
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(Shukri & Abdul-Rahim, 2023)
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