ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
The arrival of the 4IR needs further action on identifying industry trends, job demands and possibilities that may arise in parallel with this revolution. The skill sets required for TVET occupations in the new industry revolution change and transform in most industries. The main objective of this research is to gather information about challenges and industry collaboration strategy in the development of 4th Industrial Revolution (IR4.0) skills for TVET to prepare labor force in the IR4.0. The research employed Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was conducted through a conference involving 18 panels from the Industry Lead Body (ILB) and academicians from TVET institutions. The data was collected using audio and was transcribed and analyzed using qualitative thematic analysis technique. Findings from the FGD show that Industry should be involved extensively in development and endorsement of the curriculum, and teaching and learning approach of TVET. The institution also must be open and create a platform to accept industry opinions and appoint experts from industries for skills development. The involvement of industries is essential to develop students’ employability skills besides sharing resources (skills, knowledge, facilities, and funding) by industries with TVET institution.
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