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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Hybrid Mode of Learning For Early Childhood Education: Teachers’ Perspective

Ranjit Kaur P. Gernail Singh, Gurdip Kaur Saminder Singh

Open access

Education institutions, big or small, are preparing for hybrid learning for their learners, in preparation for future academic market needs. The Covid-19 pandemic which brought a massive impact on the administration and operations of educational settings has caused a huge stir for future education management specifically on implementing the hybrid mode of learning. With the new current educational trend of hybrid learning, this research paper aims to discuss preschool teachers' perspectives on the hybrid mode of learning for early childhood education, which constitutes the crucial foundation for future learning and development of a child. Through a qualitative design, this study explored the views of five preschool teachers who have had hybrid teaching experiences. Data analyzed using the thematic approach steered three themes to understand the overall teachers’ viewpoint on the feasibility of hybrid learning for preschoolers. Major findings indicated that teachers view the hybrid mode of learning for Early Childhood Education as useful as it promotes motivation since the activities are interactive and interesting. In terms of perceived ease of use, teachers found that parents play a key role in ensuring both teachers and students have a smooth virtual teaching and learning. However, the study also indicated challenges including the problems of transition between traditional classrooms to the online classroom and vice versa, additional workload for teachers, lack of parental support to promote learning at home, internet connectivity, issues with devices, children’s attention span online as well as the noise from the surrounding environment. Future research could delve deeper into how the hybrid mode of learning can impact on instructional strategies, curriculum design, and classroom management and how cultural and contextual factors influence the implementation and effectiveness of hybrid learning in diverse early childhood education settings.

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(Singh & Singh, 2023)
Singh, R. K. P. G., & Singh, G. K. S. (2023). Hybrid Mode of Learning For Early Childhood Education: Teachers’ Perspective. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(3), 1103-1116.