ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Getting students to register for open and distance learning universities is challenging, but keeping them in the system is an even greater challenge. High attrition rates have been a noxious issue in open and distance learning. Hence, this study aims to assess the link between factors that will influence learners’ desire to continue their studies in an open and distance learning university. The research framework is based on the four key independent variables: information quality, system quality, sociability quality, and self-managed learning; satisfaction as a mediating variable; and continuation intention as the dependent variable. The variables have been adapted from the Information System Success Model to fit the context of open and distance learning. Aside from the ISS Model, the mediating variable is derived from the consumer behaviour literature's Expectation Confirmation or Disconfirmation Theory. In addition, Planned Behavior and Social Cognitive Theories serve as the foundation for the study's other elements. The research methodology collected quantitative data using survey instruments. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) statistics techniques were used for data analysis. Because of its capacity to analyze data, the PLS-SEM approach was used for the second step of data analysis. This study will provide important insights into how open and distance learning institutions may use useful retention tactics to increase the graduation rate of OUM students.
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(Shishi et al., 2023)
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