ISSN: 2226-6348
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Nature relatedness is the intimate relationship between individuals and nature, manifested as emotional bonding with nature, cognitive integration of nature into one's self, a willingness to experience the allure of nature through physical contact, and a readiness to coexist harmoniously with the natural world. Nature relatedness has become a hot topic in environmental psychology research. In addition to promoting individuals' pro-environmental behaviors, it is also associated with individuals' positive psychological traits and can enhance their mental well-being, reducing stress and psychological issues. Chinese scholars are showing increasing interest in nature relatedness. However, there is a lack of a standardized Chinese version of three-dimensional nature relatedness scale. Therefore, based on the definition of nature relatedness, the research instruments, and analysis of the three-dimensional Nature Relatedness Scale, this study focuses on the translation and back-translation process. It was translated by three Ph.D. scholars proficient in both Chinese and English, followed by back-translation by three Ph.D. scholars who were unfamiliar with the original scale but were skilled in both Chinese and English. Subsequently, under the assessment and guidance of five experts and the original scale's author, modifications were made, resulting in the final Chinese translated version of the Nature Relatedness Scale.
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(Zuo et al., 2023)
Zuo, C.R., Ahmad, N. S., & Zuo, J. (2023). The Chinese Translation and Back-translation of the Three-dimensional Nature Relatedness Scale. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development,12(4),1327-1345.
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