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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Online Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for Educators: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Scopus Database

Li Zhi, Norlizah Che Hassan, Habibah Ab. Jalil

Open access

Purpose?This study aims to provide a descriptive analysis of research findings on online Continuous Professional Development in the field of education, to deepen researchers' understanding of trends in this research field. Additionally, it is hoped that this research work will further stimulate researchers' enthusiasm for conducting research in the field of online Continuous Professional Development.
Methods?A descriptive analysis of research outcomes on online Continuous Professional Development will be conducted using the R statistical software package, Biblioshiny, for data visualization. A systematic literature search will be performed on the Scopus database. The review will focus on English publications from 1996 to 2023.
Results? Through a systematic search, we identified a total of 461 records, and after the selection process, we analyzed 30 articles specifically addressing online Continuous Professional Development for teachers. The research findings reveal a lack of substantial funding support in this particular research field. Judging from the publication timeline, there has been an increased research interest in this field after 2019. Furthermore, the number of collected documents has been consistently growing at an average annual rate of 3.36%.
Implications?This study can improve comprehension of the dynamic environment of research on online CPD for teachers, which is a theoretical research component. In terms of implementation, the findings can serve as a guide for institutions and governments as they develop plans to support the long-term expansion of online CPD. Finally, this study will most likely be a valuable resource for future research.

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(Zhi et al., 2023)
Zhi, L., Hassan, N. C., & Jalil, H. A. (2023). Online Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for Educators: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Scopus Database. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(3), 1231-1242.