ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Preservice teachers undergo training to develop their skills for classroom teaching. Microteaching, a teaching technique, is employed to enhance their preparedness of teaching and be confidence on this practice. Preparation is assessed based on various aspects of teaching knowledge, including teaching methods, teaching approaches, and teaching strategies. The evaluation of microteaching preparedness among preservice teachers is crucial for universities and training institutions. The primary objective of this study is to investigate the preparedness of preservice teachers and to examine the extent of their preparedness influences their skills in teaching approaches, teaching methods, and teaching strategies. A survey was conducted among preservice teachers specializing in mathematics at a public university. Forty-two university mathematics education majors were chosen at random to take part in the study. The collected quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Specifically, a correlation analysis was performed to observe the relationship between the level of preparedness and the effectiveness of teaching pedagogy, including teaching approaches, teaching methods, and teaching strategies. The findings of the study revealed that the preservice teachers demonstrated a significant relationship between their level of preparedness and their teaching approach, teaching method, and teaching strategy, hence highlighted the preparation before microteaching is a crucial component in teaching training.
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