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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Are University Students Ready for Online Distance Learning After the Pandemic?

Nur Izzati Atiqah, Cheong Tau Han, Joseph Boon Zik Hong, Loh Ser Lee, Parmjit Singh

Open access

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a major impact on education, causing a shift away from traditional classroom learning and towards open and distant learning (ODL). Students' perspectives on education have been altered by this abrupt change in educational approaches. Thus, it is essential to observe their current classroom learning readiness. Hence, a study involving 120 students from a local public university was done to examine the readiness of mathematics students for online learning during the pandemic. Participants completed an online questionnaire as part of a quantitative approach. The data analysis with SPSS sought to fulfil three goals. Students' attitudes towards online learning were largely good, according to the findings. There was no statistically significant difference in preparation between male and female pupils. Furthermore, a significant positive link was discovered between self-learner control and online communication self-efficacy. The study's conclusions imply that monitoring student progress during ODL, encouraging active student interaction during synchronous online learning sessions, and including regular assessments to boost confidence and preparation are all important. Institutions should also examine and modify course assessments to better fit with online learning approaches, thereby boosting students' preparation for online learning. Overall, the report emphasizes the pandemic's impact on education and the need to assist students in transitioning to online learning environments.

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(Atiqah et al., 2023)
Atiqah, N. I., Han, C. T., Hong, J. B. Z., Lee, L. S., & Singh, P. (2023). Are University Students Ready for Online Distance Learning After the Pandemic? International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(3), 1442–1457.