ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Although learning through play was practiced nearly a century ago by many educators, the use of play-based learning in Malaysia is only emphasized when the National Preschool Curriculum Standard was made compulsory in 2010. Play is essential for children's learning as it provides a valuable opportunity for the development of meaningful learning, expansive knowledge, universal skills, imagination, creativity, and enjoyment. There is a need for more research on play-based learning activities in Malaysian preschools to provide more recorded evidence of its use and effectiveness. This qualitative study using observation and interview methods to three preschool teachers teaching children at the age of three and four years old intended to answer three objectives: the type of play frequently employed by teachers in their classrooms, teachers’ views on using play in their classrooms and teachers’ resources on designing lessons for children. It was found that dramatic play is rated highest in the type of play favoured by teachers, all teachers observed have positive views on the use of play in the classroom and lastly, teachers’ resources came from observing the children’s play interest closely, through readings and the internet. Teachers' positive perception and implementation of play-based learning are shaped by their professional background, including their experience, knowledge, education level, and the support they receive from the school's principal.
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