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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Human Body Gesture as Semantic Factor in Visual Education: A Review towards Design Language

Muhammad Fadli Zulkapli, Ruwaidy Mat Rasul

Open access

This study is to review the relation and significant of Human Body Gesture as a factor of Semantic in Visual Design Education in the context of education for school and university learner. The main purpose is to provide an understanding of the feasibility and practicality of manipulating Human Body Gesture as semantic factor in the visual design process. Semantic is one of the creative consideration and judgement process that habitually practiced by successful designers and artist, and the discussion of the semantic factor is still relevance contemporaneously. Relating the human body gesture in visual semantic is one of the creative skill and imaginative approaches as visual design inspiration, by understanding the relation form and the design language. This research is expected contribute to help designer especially amateur and students to develop more value in visual design with accurate and outstanding meaning, and this will bring high prospective for Visual Design Education development.

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(Zulkapli & Rasul, 2023)
Zulkapli, M. F., & Rasul, R. M. (2023). Human Body Gesture as Semantic Factor in Visual Education: A Review towards Design Language. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(3), 1620-1630.