ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
This study is (aims) to investigate effective ways of teaching and learning for autistic students. A part of this study also identifies the need to design and develop appropriate Autism Teaching Kits as Scaffolding to enhance autistic students’ learning processes in the preoperational stage. The purpose of this study is to prepare an Autism Kit, which is a tool that can be used in teaching and learning with autistic children in the Preoperational Stage. The increase in the number of children diagnosed with autism almost every year and the purpose of this research is to identify, investigate and meet the needs of autistic children by using teaching aids, namely the Autism Kit, as scaffolding that is easy to use in autism learning sessions. This Autism Kit is easy to make as this study can be used as a reference for the process because this is considered a product. Besides that, it can increase teachers’ creativity to formulate a teaching aid that can be regarded as something new, different, and interesting to attract students’ attention and improve their understanding. Teachers and parents can use the Autism Kit for the teaching and learning process in schools or at home as a teaching aid instead of using material that does not contain suitable content knowledge for autistic children. This research explores employed qualitative approach to collect data on the teaching and learning process through interviews with special education teachers and parents of autistic children in the preoperational stage. The findings revealed that the implementation of game-based learning or gamification is one of the effective ways in educational settings for these special needs among autism students. This study provides useful guides for parents with autistic children, special education schools, special education directors, and special education teachers who strive to provide the best services for children diagnosed with autism in the district while balancing the needs of other students in the district. This research is significant to students, teachers, and parents.
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